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 Top Gear (Australian version) 
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Postby SKaVeN » Wed May 13, 2009 12:11 pm

Passionfruit are nothing like grapes. Heaven help us if genetic engineering makes it a perceptibly viable marketing strategy to produce grapes that still taste like grapes but look like passionfruit & then start calling them passionfruit AU, in order to make them a more attractive purchase to people who don't like grapes but do like passionfruit. I think that's a closer hypothetical paradigm to the situation we're looking at here.

I like James & Wazza too. But I, like many others, am not convinced that they are the best choice to host TG AU. As I said a couple of times, you either get people who are funny & have a good natural comedic chemistry & try & emulate what is unique & enjoyable about TG UK & why it is so popular, or not make us cringe by instead having hosts who are not & not have them pretend that they are funny & spontaneous & instead just let it (& them) be a car magazine type show more akin to the earlier episodes of TG UK. Who knows? If that more natural approach were adopted perhaps something quite different but equally as wonderful could evolve. Trying to create instant success by trying to simulate someone else's long-term evolved success was, perhaps, a little too ambitious for a starting point.

Yes, the average TG viewer. Believe it or not, there is such a thing. It's a broad term that can be manipulated & interpreted a myriad of different ways depending on one's one point of view & the point they are trying to substantiate. I myself was not procrastinating on the demographic of the person other than being a regular viewer of the programme. I never inferred that one should "aspire" to be average, I never said one should aspire to be a TG viewer. As far as aspirations go, I felt it safe to assume that people would believe it possible to aspire to be more than just a fan of a TV programme.

We don't have Alan Jones here so, based on your hypothesis, perhaps it is more accurate to say that it is the average Sydnesians (?) who believes what his every word. :P

But, at the end of the day, how our opinions differ is irrelevant. Based on the public response I have been made aware of, TG AU has not been a great success which is a pity because I would have liked it to have been. Having a franchise of international shows under the TG banner is fine but ask yourself what makes the current format of TG UK so much more popular than other car shows & the inevitable answer will always be the popularity of Jeremy, James & Hammond. My mum is in her seventies & hates anything to do with cars or motorsport but she (like several other similar cases I know) loves TG UK. It's not the show that makes it fun, it's the hosts. It's probably easy franchise many TV programmes but probably not so easy to do so with equitable success when the element of the show that people like is not something that can be easily replicated.

But, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe TG AU will become an enormous success & be around for many years to come. Time will tell...

Ned Flanders
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Wed May 13, 2009 12:11 pm

Postby Can_I_Poke_U » Wed May 13, 2009 7:08 pm

Do you think James looks like Yoda?

S 500x223 163

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Wed May 13, 2009 7:08 pm

Postby Macc » Wed May 13, 2009 7:43 pm

SKaVeN wrote:
As I said a couple of times, you either get people who are funny & have a good natural comedic chemistry & try & emulate what is unique & enjoyable about TG UK & why it is so popular, or not make us cringe by instead having hosts who are not & not have them pretend that they are funny & spontaneous

You just described the first couple of seasons of TG UK with Clarkson, Hammond and Dawes. TG UK is popular because it has been given free reign and allowed to mature without interference from the broadcaster.

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Wed May 13, 2009 7:43 pm

Postby SKaVeN » Wed May 13, 2009 8:19 pm

Macc wrote:
SKaVeN wrote:
As I said a couple of times, you either get people who are funny & have a good natural comedic chemistry & try & emulate what is unique & enjoyable about TG UK & why it is so popular, or not make us cringe by instead having hosts who are not & not have them pretend that they are funny & spontaneous

You just described the first couple of seasons of TG UK with Clarkson, Hammond and Dawes. TG UK is popular because it has been given free reign and allowed to mature without interference from the broadcaster.

Yes! However, that is what people (even the ones who normally hate car shows) love about TG UK - what it has evolved to become. It is difficult, I think, for a brand new show to try & emulate a model which itself exists by result of a maturation process.

Whether people want to accept or agree or not, it seems quite obvious to me that the reason TG UK is so popular (& not just another car magazine show) is because of the three personalities hosting the programme. If the popularity & uniqueness of a programme is attributed mainly to the personalities involved then it is always going to be challenging to recreate it with different people with equitable success.

TG AU obviously has its fans who will not agree with me on this no matter how I put it but which is fair enough. We're all entitles to our own opinion. It's only a TV programme after all. As I said, they may be right & I may be wrong & TG AU could become a highly successful & long-running programme. Time will tell...

Ned Flanders
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Wed May 13, 2009 8:19 pm

Postby SKaVeN » Wed May 13, 2009 8:40 pm

Can_I_Poke_U wrote:
Do you think James looks like Yoda?

He does a bit now you mention it. Has he lost a lot of weight or something? :?

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Wed May 13, 2009 8:40 pm

Postby SKaVeN » Sat Oct 24, 2009 5:30 pm

If what I've heard is correct the next series (which will be on Channel Nine) will be hosted by... wait for it... Shane Warne, Glen Ridge & Karl Stefanovic.

When I first heard it I thought someone was having a lend.

I guess Channel Nine deserves some special mention for proving they have even less of an idea of Top Gear is about than SBS did. That must've taken some doing. A squeaky clean 80s game show host, an irritating morning news reader & a bogan ex-sportsman. Gee! I can't wait to see all the spontaneity, hilarity & irreverent antics of those wild & wacky guys. Hmmmmm...

This will kill TG: AU for sure (which probably won't be such a bad thing).

Just get Jezza, the Hamster & Captain Slow out to do a series FFS!

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Sat Oct 24, 2009 5:30 pm

Postby modecko » Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:03 pm

Yep Channel 9 have got the rights to both the UK and Australian versions with Shane Warne hosting the Oz one.

Yet another niche show I like watching I will no longer be watching.

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Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:03 pm

Postby SKaVeN » Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:31 pm

I'm not sure if my source is reliable but if it is, all I can say is SBS may have missed the ball but you can always count on a commercial channel to take a cool & funny show (TG: UK) into a nerdy, bland, formula, cardigan one (TG: AU Channel Nine)...

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Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:31 pm

Postby narly » Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:06 pm

Nine has probably jumped on the band wagon because Fifth gear is going to on he new 7two digital channel .

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Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:06 pm

Postby SKaVeN » Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:52 pm

The thing is, Narlz, you can't paint someone else's portrait & still call it the Mona Lisa. The three Poms ARE Top Gear! If Channel Nine want to try an entertainment car show hosted by three wankers, why not just do one off their own bat & just call it something else? Putting an asparagus label on a can of peas does not turn it into asparagus.

Alternatively, like I said earlier, get the three Poms out to do a series like they used to do with Parkinson. That'd be fucking awesome! :thumright:

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Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:52 pm
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